
All about Antonov 225 Mriya

All about Antonov 225 Mriya

What is the price of a Antonov 225?
$750,962,623.00. Actually, it had an estimated cost of 300 million dollars (2005)

All about Antonov 225 Mriya

Is the antonov an-225 a passenger plain?
No, it is strictly a cargo aircraft.

All about Antonov 225 Mriya

How big is the antonov an-225?
275.6 feet in length, 290 ft and 2 inches wingspan, 59.3 feet in height, and is the largest plane in the world.

All about Antonov 225 Mriya

How much do the Antonov AN-225 weigh?
It weighs 630,000 lbs empty (285,000 kg) and has a maximum take-off weight of 1.3 million lbs (640,000 kg).

All about Antonov 225 Mriya

What is the lift coefficient of an Antonov An-225?
The lift/drag coefficient of an Antonov An 225 is 19 with no change in the aerodynamics,Mach 4 mark,cruising altitude with the nett thrust payload of max.600 tonnes. Um more like 4.273 which is the inverse of the Thrust. Max load 200 ton, and a service ceiling of 11,000m

All about Antonov 225 Mriya

How can I buy Antonov An-225?
Ask Vladimir Putin, if he can lent you one...

All about Antonov 225 Mriya

Will the Antonov 225 be a passenger aircraft?
It is possible but unlikely. It would probably be too expensive to refit.

All about Antonov 225 Mriya
What is bigger a Antonov An-225 or airbus a380?
The Antanov An-225 is bigger than the Airbus A380.

All about Antonov 225 Mriya

How many wheels does the Antonov An-225 Mriya have?
The An-225 has a 32-wheel landing gear system comprised of two nose bogies and fourteen main wheel bogies (seven per side). Each bogie has two wheels. The link below has a great shot of an An-225 in the landing configuration.

How many Antonov An-225 Mriya were built?
one  :)

Which countries own an Antonov AN-225 airplane?
Antonov Airlines in the Ukraine has the only one they've ever made.
Truly Ukrainian. The largest airplane ever existed. The Antonov An-225 Mriya is a strategic airlift cargo aircraft, designed by the Soviet Union's Antonov Design Bureau in the 1980s. The An-225's name, Mriya means "Dream" in Ukrainia.

How can you buy Antonov An-225?
You can't buy one. There is only one that is working and they were supposed to make more but they didn't. And the cost of one is less that 1 billion dollars. - - - - -Oh, come now. If someone REALLY wanted an An-225, and had half a billion dollars or so, Antonov would fix you up because they've got one sitting there half-finished. They say it will cost $300 million to finish the plane, so if you went over there with $500 million they would sell it to you.And then you'd have to find airframe and powerplant mechanics who speak Russian because that plane is NOT marked in English!

That's All about Antonov 225 Mriya...Anything else? please give comment..  :)